At least I'm back now. I'll claim work and other priorities kept me distracted, but all excuses ring hollow. I've just not kept up with blogging, and I miss it. I'll be better. Really! Promise!
Anyhow, the latest object of my techno-lust (cue a clever shiny object theme here) is the Asus Eee Pad Transformer. It's desirable. It's out of stock. I'm having to wait. X-mas to a five-year-old is easier than this act of patience! I want I want I want!
In this, the day of the tablet, iPad still rules. Many others are chasing Apple's "Jesus Tablet" (as it was dubbed pre-launch). I'm not an Apple geek, though I massively respect the firm. Asus may have a solution that at least matches the iPad for value, and likely is a more productive device in a couple ways: a "real" keyboard and even longer battery life (if you count the battery in the keyboard dock, too). Both attributes appeal to me massively.
If and when I do get my hands on the object of my technology desires, I'll be sure to share the joys, delights, and even any disappointments with all of you.