29 May 2011

Back with a Bad Case of Techno-Lust

Hi everybody.  I know, I know... Been way too long since last post.  In fact, it's been so long that my intended "hey the Super Bowl was a while ago; remember the ads?" post seems moot.  Good thing, in a way, since the game (and the ads "in their natural environment") was deleted from my DVR.  I'm not saying the Twinkies did it to make room for more iCarly, but...

At least I'm back now.  I'll claim work and other priorities kept me distracted, but all excuses ring hollow.  I've just not kept up with blogging, and I miss it.  I'll be better. Really!  Promise!

Anyhow, the latest object of my techno-lust (cue a clever shiny object theme here) is the Asus Eee Pad Transformer.  It's desirable.  It's out of stock.  I'm having to wait.  X-mas to a five-year-old is easier than this act of patience!  I want I want I want!

In this, the day of the tablet, iPad still rules.  Many others are chasing Apple's "Jesus Tablet" (as it was dubbed pre-launch).  I'm not an Apple geek, though I massively respect the firm.  Asus may have a solution that at least matches the iPad for value, and likely is a more productive device in a couple ways:  a "real" keyboard and even longer battery life (if you count the battery in the keyboard dock, too).  Both attributes appeal to me massively.  

If and when I do get my hands on the object of my technology desires, I'll be sure to share the joys, delights, and even any disappointments with all of you.

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